日韩A片一级无码免费 蜜桃,无码视频在线观看,91在线精品秘 一区二区,国产午夜一级特黄A片大红米店,偷妻无码一区二区三区动漫
KC-Denmark A/S:Manta trawl net
Category: Manta Microplastic Net
Art.No.: 23.440/23.500
Keywords: Manta Microplastic Net,Manta trawl net,Microplastic Net
Supplier: Qingdao Watertools Technology Co., Ltd.

A manta trawl is a net system for sampling the surface of the ocean. The net it pulls is made of thin mesh, and the net is useful for collecting samples from the surface of the ocean, such as sampling of micro plastic. Standard delivery comes with mesh size 300 μm. Other sizes on request. A pair of wings bolted onto an inner frame which serve to lift the net frame so that samples are efficiently collected at the top of the water column. More adjustments for the vings and the bridle allows various sampling heights.The sample cylinder is made of AISI 316 stainless steel and it comes with a small buoyancy so it remains in horizontal position during the sampling. It has 5 windows covered by steel net; the mesh size is equal to the main net.

日韩A片一级无码免费 蜜桃,无码视频在线观看,91在线精品秘 一区二区,国产午夜一级特黄A片大红米店,偷妻无码一区二区三区动漫